YP Professional Development - Beer with a Boss: Wes Escondo
Wednesday, June 8, 2022 (4:00 PM - 5:00 PM) (CDT)
Join us for our rescheduled YP Professional Development Beer with a Boss series event - now set for Wednesday June 8th!
We'll be hosting leaders from the Chippewa Valley in candid, laid back conversations over a beer. These leaders will share their personal success stories, challenges they've overcome, and valuable advice they have for you as a young professional. A moderated discussion with the guest will kick off the event with time for Q & A from attendees.
Location - Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce: We'll be hosting this event in person at the Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce office in Downtown Eau Claire! We have a variety of beer (regular & light), Infinity Wine, & various assorted drinks (alcoholic & non) that will available to all attendees. No additional charge for drinks, it's included in the cost to attend!
June Guest: Wes Escondo, CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwestern Wisconsin
Biography: Wes Escondo is a Capricorn that likes Japanese whiskey over Tennessee whiskey, walks on piers versus beaches and has a tendency to shed a few tears every time he watches the Notebook. Wes is a hobbyist painter whose process includes having full on conversations with the paint that he is trying to convince to go to their happy place. Professionally, Wes has the honor of serving as the CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwestern Wisconsin. As a community member he is proud to serve on the boards of the Eau Claire Area Chamber and CVTC Foundation. Wes also serves as Task Force Chair of the Eau Claire Chamber’s DEI Task Force and is a member of the Eau Claire Noon Rotary. However, his greatest accolade is one as “Dad” to his sons Zachary (7) and Matthew (6).
*This event is for Young Professionals of the Chippewa Valley members only.*
Interested in joining our organization? Apply here!
101 N. Farwell St., Ste. 101
Eau Claire, WI 54703 United States
YP Events (Young Professionals)