
Making a Difference: Your Voice in Local Government
Actions at every level of government can impact your business and the economy. So how do you make sure your voice is heard when decisions are made at your municipal hall, the county courthouse, the State Capitol, or by the Federal Government? Our “Making a Difference” series is designed to help you answer that question. Make plans now to attend our first program, “Making a difference: Your voice in local government.” At this fast-paced, informative workshop, you’ll get the lowdown on how area local governments in Eau Claire County work. Learn about how city, county, and school districts are organized; how decisions get made; and how you can get involved. We'll conclude with Q&A and informal "Pints & Politics" networking.
This event is presented by the Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce Business Advocacy Initiative, the Chippewa Valley Home Builders Association, Realtors Association of Northwest Wisconsin, and Young Professionals of the Chippewa Valley.
Also consider: Candidate Training School
If you are considering running for a local elected office, mark your calendar for a special workshop on October 11. You'll learn which offices will be on the ballot next year, filing requirements, plus Q&A with a panel of current and former local office holders. Details: Wednesday, October 11, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Click here for details